Rick Gray

Real Estate Coach/Speaker/Mentor

Rick is bringing something incredibly special to the agents who are serious about
excelling in real estate. If that's you, I encourage you to read the information below.

Unleash Your Real Estate Potential.

Having built a team in Portland, Oregon that ranked among the top 75 teams in the country, and having run two different brokerages including the #1 brokerage in production in the country in 2013 with over $1 billion in sales, Rick Gray's extensive background is unmatched.

Rick has worked personally with international trainers and coaches such as Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy, and has conducted over 1,900 sales and personal development talks across the country for companies like IBM, Xerox, Sprint, Hewlett Packard, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Kodak, and many others. 

Rick has also received rave reviews from his clients. For his ability to really listen to their needs, and deliver high-level service and expertise consistently.

As part of his coaching, Rick provides highly specialized information to help you gain the greatest value in your real estate transactions. 

Eric Post | Huzi.ai Creator

Eric is the founder of Huzi.ai, a company that is building AI-powered business tools and training aimed at expanding the capabilities of agents rather than replacing them.​

He is building the foundation for the future of the real estate industry for those who choose to opt into using AI. 

"Those wanting artificial intelligence to be an expert for them are quickly being replaced by those who leverage artificial intelligence to become the expert." -Eric Post

What Is Huzi.ai?

Are you ready to not just survive, but thrive in the AI era? Welcome to Huzi.ai, the platform that's making artificial intelligence accessible to you, regardless of your tech background.

Founded by Eric Post, a visionary who believes in the power of AI to expand human potential, Huzi.ai is here to transform the way you work, learn, and grow.

Why Join Huzi.ai?

  1. Expanding your capabilities: AI is here, and it's changing the game. But at Huzi.ai, we believe in expanding your capabilities with AI, not replacing them​. We're building AI-powered tools that amplify your talents and help you achieve more, faster.

  2. Becoming the expert: Huzi.ai empowers you to master AI and use it to your advantage. You won't just use AI, you'll understand it, control it, and make it work for you.

  3. Staying ahead of the curve: "You may not be replaced by AI soon, but you will be beaten by your competitors who use it effectively." Don't let your competitors outpace you. Join Huzi.ai and harness the power of AI to stay competitive in your field.

Huzi.ai isn't just a tool, it's a stepping stone to the future of work. Join us, and let's build that future together.

The incorporation of AI into real estate is inevitable, to stay competitive we will need to learn and adapt. Sign up for Huzi.AI today.

Join The Huzi Launch
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Where Do I Sign Up?

(Click the button below for a free 30 day trial.)

Join The Community (30 Day Trial)
R.E.S.A. is designed to equip you with the fundamentals of real estate and the training you'll need to use this cutting-edge AI technology.

Fundamentals of Real Estate: 

  • Access to a community of like-minded agents and industry experts
  • Solid foundation in property valuation, listing, marketing, and closing deals
  • Guidance on navigating common challenges and roadblocks in real estate
  • Customized feedback and support tailored to your unique goals and needs
  • Ongoing training and development opportunities to continually improve your skills and stay on top of industry trends. 

AI Implementation: 

  • Learn to leverage AI tools for enhanced marketing strategy and streamlined workflow
  • Provide clients with better service through the use of advanced AI technology
  • Personalized guidance on how to implement AI tools into your specific business model
  • Expert insights on the latest AI technology and trends in real estate
  • Ongoing training and resources to ensure you remain at the forefront of AI implementation in real estate.

Regular Meetings and Q&A: 

  • Tailored discussion topics based on participant feedback and industry trends
  • Convenient virtual format that eliminates the need for travel or in-person meetings.
  • Tailored discussion topics based on participant feedback and industry trends


Still Thinking About Pulling The Trigger? 

A few words from our clients.


Great to hear from you!
You could probably add me to your statistic for last year, we closed year out a little over 200 which is 50% increase from last year
I have put together solid business plan for 2023 and mentally feel strong to create some waves in the Treasure valley!
- Jeff Sweet


Rick has been able to help me find new strategies and tools that work specifically for me to be successful. Not only have I seen significant growth in my business I've seen our sessions have a positive impact on my personal life as well.

If you're looking for a coach there isn't anybody else I would recommend more than Rick Gray! 

- Robert Fine


Coaching was not an easy process for me at first, it requires you to be vulnerable with your coach in order to succeed, it took a while to for me to get to that point.
He was always remained patient and never showed any frustration.
Rick was great at bringing us structure, accountability, systems and pushed our team as whole to do the uncomfortable tasks to achieve success. Our team has dramatically improved in all areas of our business over the last few years, doing four times the business we did prior to coaching. We can attribute our growth to Rick for showing us what was possible.
- Pam Irish

Learn From The Best.

Rick Gray

Real Estate Coach/ Speaker/ Mentor

There is nothing that can truly replace real, human interaction and face-to-face learning. Therefore, we created this course for hands on learning. Upon sign up, worksheets will be available to prepare for course material. 

There's nothing more frustrating then completing a course and still having questions that can't be immediately answered. 

At the end of each live session Rick will host a Q & A to make sure the content was received and understood. 

Join The Family For Free


Class Dates: First & Third Tuesday Of Every Month 

Time: 7-8pm MST

  • Community Access 24/7
  • Recordings Of All Classes
  • 100+ pdf's To track Progress & Learn
  • Weekly Challenges & Continuing Education
Join The Community!

Radley Buxton

I didn't sign up for coaching at the time because my mindset was all about saving money then, rather than investing money in myself. About a year ago I realized in order for my income to change I needed to change my mindset and my systems. I hired Rick as a coach and since then rebranded my whole real estate business, sold over $25 million in volume in that year setting a record for myself, and got out of my own way.  Never once regretted spending money on coaching with him as the income increase I received after coaching more than made up for the investment.

Kind Words From Our Members

Bev Blume

Rick Gray has been a friend and mentor and my coach for 12 years.  I would not be at this level of emotional maturity if not for Rick.  

Ken Perkes

Rick, you are Truly Amazing! One of the most evolved, disciplined and developed men I have been privileged to know. Loyal, honest, and dependable! 

Barp Dopp

Your tremendous ability to lead in a peaceful way inspires me! Your positivity and willingness to help means the world to those around you!

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